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Walk N’ Roll is a WOW!!

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Saturday, September 27th was a perfect autumn day.

Families, friends, staff and volunteers all gathered to support Las Trampas for our 5th Annual Walk n’ Roll. The morning was filled with exercise, fun, music and a great brunch. Tim Andres of Bread and Roses shared his beautiful voice and music, event sponsor KKDV 92.1 handed out prizes, and the ever-tasty Clif Bars and Dreyer’s ice cream made the day. With the support of our generous sponsors and a myriad of wonderful volunteers, the day was as successful financially as it was a celebration of our community and friends, raising almost $10,000!

Rock N’ Roll Returns to Las Trampas

Las Trampas was one rockin’ place
Patti & TeddyWP_20140917_013two weeks ago when our Adult Day Program folks threw a Bring Back the 50’s blast! Joggers on the Lafayette Moraga trail behind campus picked up their pace to the beat of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis, while inside our party goers rocked to the hot rhythms in our Dance/Exercise Room funded by Thomas J. Long Foundation. Decorations, dessert…and even a poodle skirt…gave the final touches to a memorable afternoon. Thank You for making a difference in the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities!

Children’s Hospital Collaboration

The “Recycle, Reuse, Repeat” Program, where our clients collect toiletries from East Bay hotels, clean, and refill them to take to homeless shelters announces a heart-warming new partnership. At the request of the Family Resource Center at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Oakland, the Las Trampas team prepared 130 bags of sundries to resupply the diminished resources of the Center. We are grateful to Eric Rudney for initiating this program and to the following hotels who continue to support this community service project: Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa; Claremont Hotel; Marriott Walnut Creek and Courtyard, San Ramon; and Hyatt and Holiday Inn, San Ramon.

Delicious News…Farmers at Las Trampas?!

Our client-managed vegetable garden is getting a facelift! Thanks to the generosity of two $500 grants…one from the Lafayette Community Foundation and the other from the Lafayette Garden Club, we are partnering to renovate the garden with Orinda Girl Scout Troop 31797, who chose Las Trampas’ program as the focus of their Silver Award project. We are especially thrilled that their plans include a path for wheelchair access! We’ll have a Grand Opening when the plantings are completed. So…stay tuned.
Continue reading “Delicious News…Farmers at Las Trampas?!”

Chris Morikawa, Special Olympics Champion

Superstar Chris Morikawa beams with pride after winning medals in Long Jump (1st place) and 100 meter Run and Shotput (3rd places). Of course, winning medals is nothing new to Chris. He has participated in Special Olympics for 10 years and recently brought in a staggering collection of medals won over the years. When Chris was interviewed about how he feels when he achieves such success, he replied, grinning from ear to ear, “very happy” and gave two thumbs up!