Confessions of an ILS Client

Nov 1, 2016

I am a young guy who lives in the East Bay. During most of my adult life I have faced the challenges of noise sensitivity and social anxiety. According to a doctor in San Ramon, the root of some of my problems is largely a vertebral disc in my neck that pinches a nerve to ...

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Confessions of an ILS Client

The Amazing Adventures of Amy and Jeff

Sep 27, 2016

Las Trampas client Jeff and his sister Amy overcame their obstacles to enjoy the summer trip of a lifetime together. Any recounts their trip and reveals how she makes every minute count for both her and her brother. Just this past summer, my brother Jeff and I went on a couple of great trips. Jeff ...

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The Amazing Adventures of Amy and Jeff

Independence and the Special Needs Child

Jun 30, 2016

As my son grows older (he'll be 12 in March) we are grappling more and more with the challenge of developing his independence. For most 11 year old kids, catching the bus home from school, walking around the corner to a friend's house and having sleepovers are no big deal. They are age appropriate activities ...

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Independence and the Special Needs Child

National Charity League

May 24, 2016

For over 10 years, the National Charity League has volunteered with Las Trampas, and this year was no exception. Mothers and daughters rose to the occasion one week before the annual What's in Our Hat? fundraising event this year to help assemble the tropical decor that seasoned our day with that Caribbean flavor. These mother-daughter ...

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Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church

Mar 11, 2016

Las Trampas is so appreciative of the Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church and the wonderful volunteer work they do for so many Contra Costa nonprofits. This is the third year in a row that they have chosen to help us with volunteer work. A large group worked on campus to help organize the Development Department's storage areas, ...

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Leslie’s Story

Feb 1, 2016

Leslie is a huge Warriors fan, which he demonstrates almost daily. He can draw from a closet full of the team's logo clothing. In cold weather, it's the blue and gold knit cap, in summer a t-shirt, among other items. Of course, as an avid sports fan, he must alternate with his 49er jacket and ...

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Patty’s Story

Jan 27, 2016

Patty came to Las Trampas in 1975 and has been a source of sunshine ever since.  Patty is always smiling.  "I hear birds!" exclaimed Patty, as she tested her long-awaited hearing aids. Patty is very social, loves connecting with people, chatting and sharing stories.  Now she can do this again! The ability to return significantly to ...

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Patty's Story

Wells Fargo

Sep 25, 2015

A fantastic team of Wells Fargo volunteers swooped into Stinson House, one of our 5 residential homes, on September 17th, to create a whole new look for the interior. Grabbing brushes and rollers, they painted the public rooms a stunning combination of cocoa brown and taupe. Instant facelift! Our group homes provide round-the-clock services and ...

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Community Connection – Planting Seeds

Jul 1, 2015

Planting the Seeds of Community Partnerships. Las Trampas is growing…vegetables that is. Over 20 individuals from Deloitte gathered at Las Trampas for their annual community work day. After a breakfast picnic in the park across the street, they gathered on our lawn to mingle with Day Program folks. They then broke up into teams to ...

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Daniel’s Story

Jul 1, 2015

The young man in the photo is Daniel. Daniel is in our Adult Vocational Program (AVP) and has successfully participated in the Northern California Special Olympics. He participates in our community service project Recycle, Reuse, Repeat through which his AVP team takes hotel toiletry bottles, sterilizes them and refills them, then donates them to local ...

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Daniel's Story

Hats Off to a Great Event!

May 8, 2015

The suspense is over, the numbers are in, and thanks to so many of you who supported by gift or attendance our 27th Annual What's in Our Hat! It looks like we exceeded $120,000, but numbers are still coming in, so stay tuned! We've waited to send a special Thank You so that we could ...

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Walk N’ Roll is a WOW!!

Nov 6, 2014

Saturday, September 27th was a perfect autumn day. Families, friends, staff and volunteers all gathered to support Las Trampas for our 5th Annual Walk n' Roll. The morning was filled with exercise, fun, music and a great brunch. Tim Andres of Bread and Roses shared his beautiful voice and music, event sponsor KKDV 92.1 handed ...

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Rock N’ Roll Returns to Las Trampas

Nov 6, 2014

Las Trampas was one rockin' place two weeks ago when our Adult Day Program folks threw a Bring Back the 50's blast! Joggers on the Lafayette Moraga trail behind campus picked up their pace to the beat of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis, while inside our party goers rocked to the hot rhythms in our ...

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Children’s Hospital Collaboration

Aug 12, 2014

The "Recycle, Reuse, Repeat" Program, where our clients collect toiletries from East Bay hotels, clean, and refill them to take to homeless shelters announces a heart-warming new partnership. At the request of the Family Resource Center at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, Oakland, the Las Trampas team prepared 130 bags of sundries to resupply the diminished ...

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Delicious News…Farmers at Las Trampas?!

Jul 26, 2014

Our client-managed vegetable garden is getting a facelift! Thanks to the generosity of two $500 from the Lafayette Community Foundation and the other from the Lafayette Garden Club, we are partnering to renovate the garden with Orinda Girl Scout Troop 31797, who chose Las Trampas' program as the focus of their Silver Award project. ...

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Chris Morikawa, Special Olympics Champion

Jul 26, 2014

Superstar Chris Morikawa beams with pride after winning medals in Long Jump (1st place) and 100 meter Run and Shotput (3rd places). Of course, winning medals is nothing new to Chris. He has participated in Special Olympics for 10 years and recently brought in a staggering collection of medals won over the years. When Chris ...

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